Protect Valuables
As soon as you make a successful payment via PayPal or Google Checkout, your web hosting and domain names will be activated immediately. No waiting time whatsoever.
Deter Crime
Your hosting account is backed up 4 times a day as standard, with our backup integration. We use dedicated backup servers, providing fast & easy individual file rollback abilities.
Remotely Access your home or business
Web Developers love using version control systems. All of our hosting accounts can use GIT & SVN command line tools on our servers. Simply request SSH access to get started.
24/7 Monitoring & Support
All our hosting accounts allow you to install popular software such as Wordpress, Drupal, Joolma and Magento in one easy step. Upgrading your software is just as easy!
Lower Insurance Rates
All hosting accounts come with the latest version of cPanel. This makes life easy for you to do routine tasks such as setting up email addresses and managing MySQL databases.
Automation Features
Our network runs the latest stable and secure versions of PHP & MySQL. We also implement strict security and firewall rules protecting your website from unwanted visitors 24/7.